EC20 will feature a virtual poster session aimed to present recent research on topics relevant to the EC community not presented in EC 2020 or previous ECs. We encourage submissions of papers presented in other conferences.
- Submit your poster by June 25 via this web form.
- Include a 1-minute lightning presentation and a poster in 4 slides (total) in your submission.
- Accept/reject notification by July 5.
- Presenters must register to EC’20.
See details on virtual presentation below.
Submissions should be made by June 25, 2020, via this web form. Notifications will be by July 5. The submission should include:
- Title of poster.
- 1-2 paragraph abstract (at most 2000 characters).
- The paper in PDF format.
- Authors and affiliations, listing the presenter as contact author.
- Previous archival venue where the paper appeared (if any).
- A link to a one minute lightning talk advertising the poster.
You can record your lightning talk using Zoom and upload your lightning talk to YouTube with visibility set to “unlisted”.
- A poster consisting of four slides with no overlays (in PDF format).
- (Optional) Link to long-format talk video.
The presenter must register for EC’20 to present his/her poster, plus attend a virtual online poster session on July 13 from 1.30-3pm ET. At most one poster can be presented by each registered EC participant.
The abstract can be based on work published (or accepted for publication) elsewhere since EC19, or on unpublished work that was not previously presented at EC.
For published papers, please link to the original publication and mention the venue in which the paper was published (or accepted for publication), and the date of publication/acceptance. For unpublished papers, please provide a link to the paper or upload a pdf of the paper.
Posters are non-archival. They will not appear in the EC20 proceedings, and so you are free to submit already-published work, as well as submit accepted posters elsewhere.
Poster submissions will be lightly reviewed mainly for fit to the conference and novelty to the audience. If the number of poster submissions exceeds capacity, priority will be given to students and postdocs, especially those on the job market. Beyond this, priority will be based on relevance and the date of submission. Poster slots will be confirmed by July 5, 2020. If any slots remain, submissions received after the deadline may be considered at the discretion of the organizers.
All posters will be posted in PDF format on the EC20 webpage. There will be 3 modes of interaction with the audience:
- The poster will be posted on the EC website as a 4-slide PDF. You are encouraged to add links to a longer version of the talk and/or the written paper.
- Each poster will be accompanied by a recorded short (1 minute) lightning presentation.
- There will be a poster session from 1.30-3pm ET on July 13. During this session, lightning talks will be played to the audience, and then audience members will have the chance to enter limited-size chat rooms to discuss posters in further detail in small groups.
In addition, the audience will be encouraged to vote on the best poster presentation. The poster session has been a very successful format of virtual conferences and the organization of Virtual EC 2020 has optimized for poster sessions to be a focal point for interaction during the conference.